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As our world inches closer to opening back up post-covid-19 pandemic, we are noticing a trend where industries are requiring vaccination and/or negative test proof for the individual to enter locations safely. Proof of vaccination has been a requirement for certain international travel for years now, but as we shift to a world where pandemics become more common, proof of vaccination and negative test results could continue to become a requirement at more places than just airports.
Design sprint planning meeting: Neil Leonard (left), Brittany McFalls (right), Kaity Meade (bottom-middle)
Two fellow designers and I saw an opportunity to collaborate and tackle this issue head on. As students and employees, we had a short time frame to conduct this design sprint. We began this process with an initial meeting to scope out our plan and schedule our weekend dedicated to the sprint.
Our process was the following:
Create a digital product for users to easily store their vaccination and test results and confirm their records to gain entrance to certain places like airports and international countries, restaurants, and venues.
Medium: FigJam
The aftermath of our collaborative brainstorming session via FigJam
To understand the scope of our problem and what we are solving, we began our design sprint with a collaborative brainstorming session. To begin the process, we utilized steps from the product design thinking method to understand our 5 W's and prioritize the features we wanted to focus our time on.
After we gathered these assumptions about our users and our suspected solution, we crafted our initial problem statement that we would be focusing our design decisions on.